
In the Middle Ages, it began with the fall of Rome, the ancestors of modern Europeans, using the example of the developed civilization of Rome, began to build majestic houses swiftly. It was during this period that the Gothic style appeared.

Signs of style

Signs of the Gothic style – mystical symbols and allegories, the addition of colored glass in the furnishings, high and narrow forms. Gothic strives to maximally relieve the space and clean it of unnecessary objects.

An interesting feature of Gothic art is the simultaneous existence of two types of ornament: naturalistic (vegetable) and abstract (geometric).

In the Gothic interior, dark red, cherry, muted blue and green colors are most often used. All this should create the effect of medieval antiquity. On the walls – wallpaper or thin carpets with a plot picture. Original engravings depict medieval fights. The walls themselves are best left without decoration, and if processed, it is very ingenious, trying to recreate the atmosphere of the castle. To paint the walls use muted colors of natural shades: buffy or gray. You can also use non-woven wallpaper with an embossed pattern.

The room should be treated with drapes and massive velvet curtains. The final element will be a stylized knightly coat of arms on the wall, a massive crucifix or a souvenir sword.


For Gothic interiors the pictures on the levkas of the Kiev artist Alexander Melnikov are ideally written out. From its canvases the knightly epoch of ancient Germany, is served in the author’s unique interpretation. Gothic interior will be favorably separated by graphic works by Denis Chernov and wooden carving by Yuri Dyachenko. Such a style can also be “revived”, for example, by the animal art of Gregory Zorik.